Dr. Nikolaus Raub


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Dr. Nikolaus Raub

Dr. Nikolaus Raub is a German qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) for TLR Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft. He has decades of experience from his further activity in the tax administration services of Baden-Württemberg. Previously, he led the competence areas of enterprise taxation and VAT in the higher tax directorate (Oberfinanzdirektion, OFD) of Karlsruhe. During his time in the tax administration services, Dr. Raub had diverse responsibilities in all tax law and procedural law areas, from tax office to OFD level. Prior to that, he had already worked as a German qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwalt).

His main area of expertise during his years in the tax administration services were at the tax office level as well as OFD level procedural law as well as tax audits. For many years, Dr. Raub was head of the legal remedies department (Rechtsbehelfsstelle) of a tax office and represented it in tax litigation in front of the tax court and of the Federal Fiscal Court. During a substantial part of his time at the OFD Karlsruhe, he led a department for procedural, incl. tax litigation, tax audits, tax law, and organizational matters. These are also the areas in which he lectures for i.a. chambers of certified tax advisors and on which he publishes. His substantial experience in tax audits, consequential administrative proceedings, tax court proceedings from with the perspective of the tax authorities adds significant value to his representation of the taxpayer in administrative and tax court proceedings.