A good team is more than just the sum of its parts.

We combine diverse professional experiences in tax litigation and consequently different perspectives. We pride ourselves in providing relevant professional experience in tax controversy.

Martin Riegel

Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht

Tel. +49 761 4296 7217
Mobil +49 1525 952 8774
Further information

Dr. Nikolaus Raub


Tel. +49 761 4296 7217
Further information

Prof. Dr. Falko Tappen

Tel. +49 69 34 87 92 080
Mobil +49 151 623 71 927
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The team behind the team

Markus Faulhaber

Markus Faulhaber

Markus Faulhaber supports your tax litigators of TLR Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft through client-attorney interfacing without directly advising clients. He has a decade of experience in the tax administrative services of Baden-Württemberg as a tax office manager. Exchanging views renders valuable support to your tax litigators.

Niclas Haupt

Niclas Haupt also assists your tax litigators. As a trained tax assistant, he handles the tax data provided by the client’s regular tax consultant and makes sure that your tax litigators can easily work with them during the tax litigation. The tax litigators also benefit from his research skills gathered in his tax master studies at the Worms University of Applied Sciences.